You won’t have to fear hard mode destroying your terrain as it is not available in this edition of the game. Release the architect within and go wild as you build enormous archways and terrifying dungeons. This pocket version of a 2D dungeon-crawler gives you the freedom to play, dig, fight, and most of all, build. But the real, exclusive content is the seasonal events that occur only at certain times of the year, like the Chinese Lunar Festival, which triggers an in-game event. This includes weapons, enemies, armor, and pets. However, Terraria makes up for this with its exclusive content for mobile devices. These are a couple of the shortcomings of the mobile version. The limited view distance makes attacks hard to predict. The controls take time to adapt to, and you’ll need to learn quickly or you won’t be able to dodge an attack. Since this is a port, it leaves the game feeling a bit odd. Meeting up with your friends to play a bit of survival has never been easier all you need to do is be playing on the same WiFi connection. While it’s a lighter and ported version of the computer edition, Terraria for Android is the perfect way to get your digging dose when out on the town.

There are like ordinary ones on which one can and should hunt, but there are also predators from which it is necessary to protect. The local inhabitants, however, can pretty much ruin your life. You are waiting for huge territories with spacious and unlike each other locations, various «creeping creatures» and animals, a sea of elements from which you can craft anything and anytime, weapons, treasures and much more. Having created the character in his own likeness or the way you want to see him, you can go to a spacious, huge world without borders and borders, in which you will have to survive for a long time.

It would seem that there are so many sandboxes at the moment, which means that offering something new is already unrealistic. Terraria - is a cool indie sandbox with an admixture of role-playing game in which you have to go to an unknown planet and try to survive there, building, hunting and doing everything that any other person would do under such conditions.